Monday, August 4, 2008

Best acne treatment for brest feeding moms and black acne forum

Another method widely discussed to burst a pimple is to use a sterilized and small needle, you can buy one or simply take one which you haven't used and place it over a flame for a few seconds, then carefully puncture the white head of the zit, once you do that place the square gauze over it and squeeze it until liquid or blood comes out.
7. Overdose of any medication will not help a condition heal any faster. It is a popular misconception that applying more of a given skin product will speed-up the skin's healing process.
For some, mild acne may be controlled with over the counter preparations containing benzoil peroxide, sulfur or salicylic acid. These kill the inflammation inducing bacteria, which prevents new pimples from forming. They may also act as a drying agent to help control the oil, or as an exfoliating agent, allowing old skin to come off and open the pores.
tags: best proven at home acne scar treatment, acne medication for pregnancy, how can i get rid of acne scars

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