Monday, June 2, 2008

Oily face problem and acne and bad acne scar removal

Avoid chemicals : At that time, I avoided using any kind of creams to keep acne in check. In fact I avoided washing my face with soaps or anything like that... I was using a face mask from turmeric daily. Though using face mask was pain but the turmeric was really helpful. You can read on websites about turmeric as a healing agent.
For a speedy healing on the after-squeeze pimple zone, apply products that contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide (like Clearasil). These products will help dry pimples faster and prevent the formation of red spots.
One of the most popular ways to get rid of acne scars fast is through the treatment called Laser Resurfacing. This medical treatment is advisable for those who had a serious fight against acne, leaving deep marks and dark blotches on the skin. Laser resurfacing treatment is only done by a licensed dermatologist in his clinic. With the use of the laser, the top layer or the damaged part of the skin is removed. Afterwards, the middle layer of the skin tightens. It would result into a smoother and flawless skin. The skin is expected to completely heal within two to three days.
tags: home remedies to reduce redness due to acne, labia pimples acne, acne body wash review

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